Numerical Modelling

Numerical Modelling

eCoast uses a range of modelling tools, from the most basic through to highly sophisticated three-dimensional numerical models.

The model suite contains simulations of waves, currents, ocean/atmosphere interactions, sediment transport, oil pollution, larval transport, primary production and more. Our guarantee is that if the model doesn’t meet your requirements, we will expand the capacity until it does.

Modelling is one of eCoast’s key services, and you can access that skill through:

  • Commissioned consulting
  • eCoast’s “modelling house” services


Modelling Expertise

2D and 3D Hydrodynamic Modelling
Flood and Inundation Modelling
Sediment Transport
Water Quality
Ocean Wind Waves and Swell
Tsunamis, Storm Surge and Long Waves
Larval Dispersal


We’re here to help

Whatever your requirements in marine consulting and research are, eCoast’s guarantee is that we can meet your needs in a highly professional way.