Linking people, technology and the planet
We are a marine and freshwater consultancy providing expert technical and advisory services.

Understanding and quantifying the forces that act to shape the world’s coastlines.
eCoast’s consultants have a wide range of oceanographic and aquatic expertise and experience in both physical and biological processes, with core areas of high-level expertise.
years of combined experience in the aquatic environment.
Technical reports completed on past projects.
Cases whereby eCoast provided expert witness evidence.
Peer-reviewed papers published to scientific journals.
Well-balanced solutions
Our capabilities include an innate understanding of the coast and surf zone; the ability to bridge the gap between physical process and marine ecological impacts; and providing technical advise on marine community, diversity and functionality.

Linking people, technology and the aquatic environment
Our vision embodies sustainable development by taking on a holistic approach to coastal management through future thinking to encourage collaboration and innovation with clients in a professional, value-adding setting while having fun along the way.
From the blog
Mohio • Auaha • Tautoko - Understand • Innovate • Sustain

We’re here to help
Whatever your requirements in marine consulting and research are, eCoast’s guarantee is that we can meet your needs in a highly professional way.