Surf Break Research MBIE

eCoast is a research partner in a 3-year scientific research project in New Zealand, looking at sustainable management of various surf breaks.

eCoast is a research partner in a 3-year scientific research project in New Zealand, looking at sustainable management of various surf breaks. The project entitled, “Remote Sensing, Classification and Management Guidelines for Surf Breaks of National and Regional Signifcance” began in October 2016. Surf breaks are a valuable resource in New Zealand, providing recreation opportunities which attract thousands of tourists and locals to the coast. Yet, many surf breaks are affected by coastal activities, and managing impacts is a critical part of conserving them as a resource. There are examples of surf breaks, both in the past and to this day, that have been heavily mismanaged or even destroyed. In the majority of cases this is down to a lack of education and understanding. Thoroughly understanding the baseline conditions and knowing what the indicators are for negative or positive change is the foundation of adaptive and sustainable management.

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