Introducing the Recently Developed Water Ecology Tool (WET)

eCoast Director Dougal Greer recently developed an interactive online tool called the Water Ecology Tool (WET) with The Bay of Plenty Regional Council.

eCoast Director Dougal Greer recently completed a project with Malea Zygadlo and James Dare from The Bay of Plenty Regional Council. In a collaborative effort, the team developed an interactive online tool called the Water Ecology Tool (WET) to make information about our regular water sampling more accessible to the public.

The tool was created with the intention of bringing reports to life, rather than have them sitting on a shelf gathering dust. This web app allows people to interact with monitoring data from core NPS-FM work to find out about the state and trends of freshwater sites within the Bay of Plenty region, across a range of monitoring projects. While the app is free to use and mainly mobile-friendly, we suggest using the desktop version for better usability.

Data around water quality is critical to understanding the health of our waterways. The Bay of Plenty Regional Council take regular samples from over 270 freshwater sites across the region and report on this data regularly in Technical Reports. With this new tool, you can view a range of datasets on a map by area (Freshwater Management Unit) or rohe (iwi boundary).

Discover more about your local wai here

Image of interactive online app (Water Ecology Tool)


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